Fall Ball

Middle School Age:
6-8th Grade
High School Age:
9-12th Grade
Fall Ball coaches are high-level coaches who will instruct and help you get better.​
$250 Per Player
Registration will open in July of each year.​
Fall Ball will start in September and end right before tryouts in October each year
All players MUST have a current 2025 AAU Membership to register. Purchase after August 16th!
Go to aauvolleyball.org and purchase a membership card.
The membership number will be on the last page of your email. Use that number to register for Fall Ball.
Practices are 2x a week
M/W or T/TH depending on your age group
Youngest Age Group:
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Middle Age Group:
6:00 PM - 7:30 pm
Oldest Age Group:
7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Rolling Hills Charter School
8900 N Horseshoe Bend Rd,
Boise, ID 83714
Each player will receive a T-shirt. There are no jerseys.
There are no tournament games in Fall Ball. They will practice and play small games in their practice sessions.
What should my athlete wear?
Wear good court shoes, knee pads, t-shirts, and shorts/spandex are to be worn. Do not wear jewelry. Bring a water bottle.
Do I need to be at the Information Meeting to be in Fall Ball?
No, you can still register by the deadline and be on a team.
What is the purpose of Fall Ball?
Fall Ball is to help athletes receive proper training and keep their skills up to prepare for tryouts for the club season starting in November. It is also for athletes who are not playing school ball or want extra training.
Why do I need an AAU membership?
All players are required to have a current AAU Membership card in order to participate in any Club Idaho private lesson, practice, clinic, or team. Schools require this in order to use their facilities. This is due to the insurance that must be present to be in the facility. Sign up for your NEW 2025 AAU card, and then put that number in the registration. Go to aauvolleyball.org for that card.